Work in Elche Spain
Elche is a city located in the Valencian Community of Spain. The city is known for its rich history, cultural heritage, and its stunning palm groves, which have been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Elche is also famous for its footwear industry, with many local manufacturers producing high-quality shoes that are sold around the world.
When it comes to work opportunities, Elche has a diverse economy with a range of industries and sectors. One of the most significant sectors is the footwear industry, which employs a large number of people in the area. Other important industries include agriculture, with many local farmers producing fruits and vegetables for export. The city is also home to a thriving service sector, with many businesses in areas such as retail, hospitality, and healthcare.
Some of the major employers in Elche include:
- Pikolinos
- Paco Gil
- Magrit
- Grupo Siro
- Asics
- Martinez Loriente
- Euromaster
- Quirónsalud
- El Corte Inglés
- Grupo Soledad

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